Environmental Policy
Essex Tube Windings Ltd aims to ensure that it’s manufacturing operations have a minimal impact on the earth’s resources and as such we endeavour to operate within the following boundary’s.
Essex Tube Windings will always manufacture cardboard tubes from 100% reclaimed fibres; these reclaimed fibres will primarily be kraft produced in farmed sustainable forests.
The tubes will be formed and glued using water-based PVA emulsion glue or similar.
All waste produced in the manufacturing process will be segregated with waste cardboard material being bailed to return into the supply chain via a pulp mill.
All other dry waste which is not recyclable will be disposed of under license by a designated waste disposal operator.
No Liquid waste will be produced during the manufacturing process.
Staff will make every effort to ensure that waste is kept to a minimum during the manufacturing process and management will oversee an efficient production pattern to ensure changeover waste is kept to a minimum.
Where possible consumable packaging will be recycled unless the item is no longer serviceable at which point Essex Tube Windings Ltd will dispose of the packaging via a sustainable route where possible.
Kevin Topliss
MD Essex Tube Windings Ltd